Friday, April 16, 2010

Glee: Seasson 2 Premiere

Glee was awesome. Finn broke up with Racheal, and then she sang Gives you Hell. She started to go out with this guy named Jesse from Vocal Adrenaline. Vocal Adrenaline is the rival group. The glee club then told her if she continued to go out with him they will kick her out of the group. Mr.Schu went to one of Vocal Adrenalin's practice and confronted the faculty advisor (Idina Menzel). Mr.Schu eventually started to make out with her over a meeting at his house. Ms.Pillsbury and him also agreed that Mr.Schu needs to wait and take it slow. So their temporarily broken up. Racheal is being tricked by Jesse and she doesn't know. The Project that Mr.Schu had the club do was to find a song with the word hello in the title. Oh wait one  more surprise Ms. Sylvester is back she black mailed the principal. She put a sleeping tablet in his drink, took off his clothes and took a picture of both of them as if they had fun(sex). So there it is next week is gonna be the Madonna episode so next week.

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